Should I Be Concerned About My Child’s Second Row of Teeth?
August 15, 2021

When helping your child brush their teeth, it can be alarming to see what appears to be another row of pearly whites emerging. Often referred to as “shark teeth,” they are quite common and should not be a cause for concern. However, if you’re like most parents, you’ll want to speak to a pediatric dentist in Levittown sooner rather than later to find out why it is happening and if there are any necessary treatments available. Read on to discover more about this phenomenon and when you might consider calling a professional.
Shark Teeth: What Are They and Should They Cause Concern?
It’s normal for baby teeth to start falling out once your child is between the ages of five and seven. When this happens, an adult tooth will erupt in its place, creating a permanent placeholder that will hopefully remain for the remainder of a person’s life. However, if your child’s baby teeth are taking too long to fall out, the adult teeth under the gum line may begin to emerge in a second row, hence why dentists often refer to them as “shark teeth.”
While this sight can be startling, the truth is that as long as your child does not seem bothered by them, there’s not much to worry about. Eventually, their baby teeth will loosen and fall out. If they do not, a dentist will likely recommend extraction to make available room for their permanent teeth.
Reasons to Seek Professional Help for Shark Teeth
If you are concerned that you’ll be judged because you want to see a children’s dentist in Levittown about your child’s “shark teeth,” don’t be. It’s normal for parents to worry about their kid’s oral health, and when something doesn’t look right or appears “off,” you should always feel comfortable and confident seeking help. When it comes to these types of teeth, you’ll want to call a pediatric dentist should you begin to notice that:
- Your child’s baby teeth are not loose or attempting to fall out once they reach 5-7 years of age.
- These teeth are appearing behind your child’s molars. It may be necessary for their dentist to extract their molars to prevent overcrowding, which can lead to orthodontic problems in the future.
- Your child is experiencing pain because of their “shark teeth.” At this time, a pediatric dentist can recommend appropriate treatment to minimize discomfort.
Unless you’re face-to-face with a great white, shark teeth are nothing to be too concerned about. All children lose their baby teeth at different times, but if you’re truly worried these additional pearly whites might cause a problem, don’t hesitate to see a pediatric dentist.
About the Author
Dr. Amar Singh is a children’s dentist in Levittown with nearly 10 years of experience in dentistry and enjoys working with young patients to help them achieve healthier, more beautiful smiles. At Happy Teeth of Levittown, he and Dr. Shah work hard to provide parents with valuable and factual information to minimize panic. When seeing kids with “shark teeth,” it can be concerning for parents but in reality, only cases of pain or affixed baby teeth need to be treated. If you notice your child has a second row of teeth and are worried if they might cause damage to their smile, visit our website or call (267) 580-9657.
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